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Clothing Photography: How to Shoot Tshirts for your eCommerce store

Clothing Photography How to Shoot Tshirts for your eCommerce store

Shirts top the charts among popular items sold online. Nearly every internet shop has them. This isn’t surprising—shirts are easy to store, link them here, and photograph. They require little styling and suit everyone perfectly. These pieces are extremely versatile and ideal for everyday use, whether lounging at home or busy at work.

When showcasing tshirts in your store, the key element that most customers look into is the quality. Your images need to reflect the quality of the shirt- from the fabric to the stitching and print. Since you’re selling online, you want to mimic the in-store experience as much as possible through clothing photography that accurately depicts the products you sell.

In this guide, we’ll give you some tips on how to take great photos of shirts for your eCommerce store. We’ll also provide tips on how you can leverage apparel photo editing services for different types of retouching requirements for your online store.

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How Do You Take Pictures of Shirts for Sale?

Taking pictures of shirts is not as easy as it looks. It’s more than just placing the shirt on a hanger and taking a photo. There are some things you need to consider to make sure your photos look their best. Here are six tips for taking great photos of shirts:

  • Use a plain background

The background you use can often make or break the image. A busy or cluttered background can make the shirt appear small and lost in the photo. It can also be distracting to viewers who are trying to focus on the shirt. A plain background is best so that the shirt is the star of the show. You can use a white sheet, poster board, or even a wall as your background. If you’re using a wall, make sure it’s clean and free of any marks or stains.

If you’re using a mannequin, make sure the background is also plain so that the focus is on the shirt. If you’re taking photos of people wearing the shirts, make sure the background is not too busy or distracting. A blank wall or a solid color backdrop would work best.

  • Use natural lighting

We often recommend using natural lighting when taking product photos as this help to evenly distribute the light and avoid harsh shadows. If you’re taking photos indoors, position your shirt near a window where there’s plenty of natural light coming in.

If you’re taking photos outdoors, try to find a spot that’s not too sunny so that the light isn’t too harsh. Soft, diffused light works best for clothing photography.

  • Flat Lay Clothing Photography

Flat lays have become a trend in product photography, especially for clothing like tshirts. It’s the best way to imitate how customers would usually pick their outfit at home and see how the overall look comes together.

When taking flat lay photos of shirts, make sure the shirt is well-ironed and laid out flat. Take a photo from above so that the focus is on the shirt. You can also style the shirt with other items like pants, skirts, or accessories to create a complete look.

  • Shoot Shirts on a Hanger

Shooting clothes on a hanger gives that in-store shopping vibe wherein most items are displayed on a hanger. This adds to that overall satisfying shopping experience you want your customers to have when visiting your online store.

When taking photos of shirts on a hanger, try to use a slimline or velvet hanger so that it doesn’t take away the focus from the shirt. You can also hang the shirt on a clothesline or a rack to add more variation to your photos. Just make sure the background is plain so that the focus is still on the shirt.

  • Take Close-up Shots of Details

When customers shop for shirts online, they often zoom in on the product to check the quality of the fabric, print, and stitching. It’s important to have close-up shots of these details so that potential customers can see the quality of your shirts.

If you’re selling printed shirts, you want to take a close-up photo of the print so that potential customers can see the quality of the print. One of the concerns most customers have about prints is that they fade over time. Taking a close up shot of the print allows them to make their own judgment about the quality.

The same goes for the stitching and fabric. Customers want to know what they’re getting so it’s important to give them a close-up view of the shirt. For shirts with intricate details like stitching or beading, take a close-up shot so that potential customers can appreciate the craftsmanship.

Make sure the focus is sharp and that the details are clearly visible. You can also use a macro lens so the image can look even more detailed without losing its quality.

  • Use a Model or a Mannequin

Adding a human element to your clothing photography can make a huge difference in terms of engagement. Customers want to see how the shirt looks on a real person and help them visualize how the shirt would look on them. It also adds to the idea of an outfit and helps customers see how the shirt can be styled.

If you’re using a model, make sure they fit the target demographic of your store. For example, if you sell plus-size clothing, use a plus-size model in your photos. This will help customers see that the shirt is meant for them. If you’re targeting a younger generation, you may want to use a model that’s around the same age. Make sure you pose the model in different ways so you can take photos of the shirt from different angles.

If you’re using a mannequin, make sure it’s well-dressed and styled. You can even add accessories to the mannequin to create a complete look. However, mannequins can sometimes feel a little less natural. If in case you are tied on the budget or your model has been booked up for another project, we recommend trying the ghost mannequin effect to give your photos that 3D look.

Additional Tip: Edit your photos

Even the best photos need editing especially if you’re using your images for your eCommerce store. This process can be compared to putting the icing on the cake where creative editors work their magic to enhance the photos further and make them as realistic as possible.

Photo editing is also required to ensure your product images can get approved especially if you’re selling on platforms like Amazon, Etsy, eBay, etc. These platforms usually implement strict guidelines and will not hesitate to reject photos that don’t meet their standards.

Some common photo editing tasks for clothing photography include color correction, removing blemishes, and cropping. Editing makes your images flexible and easy to use for various purposes. For example, editing can help you remove the hanger from the photo or remove the mannequin’s head so you can repurpose the image for your newsletter or social media marketing.

If you don’t have the time or skills to edit your photos, you can always outsource this task to a professional photo editing services provider like Pixel by Hand. We understand that eCommerce photo editing requirements can often be seasonal. That’s why we offer flexible and affordable plans so you can get the help you need when you need it.

How to Shoot Tshirts

Clothing Photography Ideas at Home

Working on a budget? No problem! You can still take beautiful photos of your clothes even if you’re at home. These ideas will help you style and shoot your clothes in a way that looks professional and high-end.

  • Use Plain Backdrops

One of the best things about shooting at home is that you have complete control over your background. You can choose to shoot against a blank wall, a bed sheet, or even a shower curtain. Just make sure the backdrop is plain and doesn’t have any patterns. This will help keep the focus on your clothes.

If you want to add more interest to your photos, you can hang a tapestry or a piece of fabric behind your subject. Or you can drape a sheet over a chair to create a makeshift dressing room.

  • Get Creative with Lighting

Good lighting is essential for any type of photography but it’s especially important for clothing photography. The right lighting can make or break your photo.

If you’re shooting indoors, we recommend using natural light. Position your clothes near a window and let the light flow in. You can also use a reflector to bounce light back onto your subject. This will help fill in any shadows and create a more even light. If you’re shooting outside, we recommend finding a shaded area. The direct sun can create harsh shadows and make your clothes look washed out.

  • Use Props

Props can help add more interest to your photos and make them look more dynamic. For t-shirts, you can try laying them out on a bed or draping them over a chair. This gives that “just out of the laundry” look that is popular on many fashion websites.

  • Get Close to Your Subject

One of the best ways to make your photos look more high-end is to get closer to your subject especially when you’re shooting at home. This also helps you avoid any unwanted background clutter if you’re working in a tight space.

  • Try Different Angles and Experiment

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different angles and perspectives. Get down low, shoot from above, or try a bird’s eye view. This will help you find the most flattering angle for your tshirts and avoid any awkward cropping later on.

  • Have Fun with It!

At the end of the day, it’s important to have fun with your photography. Clothing photography is all about experimentation so don’t be afraid to try new things. The more you experiment, the better your photos will become.

tshirt photography

Apparel Photo Editing Services

Professional photo editing services provide a cost-effective solution for busy entrepreneurs and small businesses who want to level up their product photos without breaking the bank.

Working with a team of skilled editors can help you save time and money while still getting high-quality results. You no longer have to worry about taking photos or editing them yourself. Just send us your raw images, and we’ll take care of the rest.

If you’re selling on platforms like Amazon, Etsy, or eBay, we can also help you meet their guidelines and standards. We offer a wide range of photo editing services for eCommerce including:

  • Background removal/changing: We can remove the background from your photos or change it to a solid color. This is often required for platforms like Amazon that strictly enforce the “white background” rule.
  • Ghost mannequin effect: We can create the ghost mannequin effect by editing your photos to remove the mannequin’s head or body. This gives your product a floating look and makes it easier to use the image for other purposes like social media marketing.
  • Color correction: We can adjust the colors in your photo to make them more accurate. This is important for ensuring that customers see the true colors of your product.
  • Image cropping: We can crop your photos to focus on the product or to meet the requirements of platforms like Amazon.
  • Create clipping paths: We can create clipping paths around the product so you can use the image on a colored background.

If you’re not sure what type of photo editing you need, just send us your images, and we’ll be happy to provide a FREE TRIAL. This way you can see our editors in action and decide if our services are right for you. We’ll work with you to create a custom plan that fits your budget and requirements.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about our services or to get started on your project!

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