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Information focused on eCommerce product image editing & post-production10 Product Photography Trends in 2023

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With technology becoming ever more advanced, certain trends have begun to dominate the market. And while these aren’t the only industry trends that have arisen due to tech advancements, they are certainly ones that have affected how product photographers do business.
So, what can we expect in terms of product photography trends in 2023?
In this guide, we’ll go over 10 of the most important product photography trends set to take over in 2023. Keep in my that your branding still plays a factor in what product photography trends you ultimately choose to follow. It is not necessary to take on every new trend, but you should at least be aware of them so that you can decide what’s best for your business.
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10 Product Photography Trends That Will Take Over in 2023
There are countless trends in every niche, but some are set to continue being popular. It’s essential for a company to identify and leverage these opportunities as they come up, since they can be key to the business’s success.
1. DSLR cameras are becoming less popular because of smartphones.
DSLR cameras became extremely popular when they were first released because they offered a lot of advantages. Not only did these new DSLR cameras boast clearer images, but the subjects in the photos appeared more lifelike than those captured by earlier models. As years went on, there were lots of improvements in some other aspects of the newer camera’s design or functions.
However, they’re now becoming less popular because of the rise of smartphones. Smartphones have become more sophisticated and offer many of the same features as DSLR cameras. Since many smartphones match the picture quality of DSLR cameras at a reduced cost and size, photographers are increasingly ditching their old equipment for newer mobile devices.
DLSRs aren’t going anywhere; instead, they’re becoming more like a backup to their more versatile counterparts.
This is essentially helpful for small businesses and start-up eCommerce companies who don’t have the budget to invest in a lot of professional photography equipment. It also levels the playing field for newer businesses, which can now produce high-quality product photos without breaking the bank.
You can check out our guides to DIY product photography here:
Product Photography DIY Lighting
DIY Background for Product Photoshoot
Camera Settings for DIY Product Photography
Best Phone Camera for Product Photography
2. Videos Are More Popular Than Ever
Images have been utilized in product promotion for decades. The way these product photos are taken, as well as the general style of the images, has gone through different phases according to various trends.
In recent years, most content has been driven by video because it can be more compact and delivered in a wider range of places. Additionally, customers retain information better when it is presented through video rather than images.
Because of this, brands have been trying to take advantage of the extra exposure. This has caused a domino effect on product photographers, who are now in higher demand. The methods that these photographers use vary and are often determined by what their clients want or need.
In order to keep up with the trend, product photographers must branch out and become skilled in videography as well. This is especially true for those who want to create high-quality product shots.
However, this doesn’t mean that product images will go extinct. eCommerce brands will still need to display their products online. Photographers and eCommerce marketers just need to get a little more creative with how they integrate product shots into video content.
3. Surge in Mobile Shopping
With a growing number of people using smartphones and other mobile devices to take pictures, photographers have had to change how they take and frame their photos. The trend started a few years ago with the rise of social media platforms like Instagram.
The need for compact photographs is driven by the limited screen space, which also means that many pictures have to be more vertically oriented. While phones and other “smart devices” typically don’t have this issue, it could be a problem with DSLR cameras. This might mean more editing would be needed after the photos are taken.
Ensuring that an image is mobile-optimized does not have to be difficult. For example, a photographer can invest in a lens that’s designed for close-up shots or use editing services like Pixel by Hand to make sure the final product is properly formatted.
At Pixel by Hand, we’ve worked with hundreds of product image photographers through image resizing and other post-processing services. We’re happy to help you make sure your product shots are mobile-ready!
4. More Natural Looking Imagery
Consumers are increasingly looking for authenticity in what they’re presented with. This has meant that they’re increasingly shunning away from product images that have been manipulated in any way, especially in an obvious manner.
This means that product photographers have to think more carefully about the photography style they use and overuse of Photoshop. Instead of making the product look “perfect,” they should focus on making the image look natural.
There are a few ways to make an image look more natural. First, consider using softer lighting rather than harsh, direct light. Second, use props that complement the product but don’t take away from it. And third, avoid excessive editing, like removing all blemishes or adding unrealistic colors.
5. 360-Degree Photography
360-degree photography is now popular on many social media platforms. Some people thought it was just a fad, but it hasn’t diminished in popularity as much as they expected. It’s even being used on big eCommerce websites like Amazon.
360-degree photography is here to stay, with more and more benefits for brands that use this cutting-edge technology. This type of photography is still in its early stages, but it’s becoming increasingly popular as companies learn how to integrate it into their marketing plans. While this likely won’t affect smaller items, it could begin impacting larger ones—like buildings and commercial properties.
6. Products In Motion
In the past, a well-taken product image sufficed to draw interest in it. However, this is changing as customers are growing tired of seeing the same images repeatedly, making it difficult to distinguish one brand from another.
Product photography is now about more than just taking a great picture. It’s about capturing the product in motion and doing it in a way that’s creative and unique. This could mean using stop-motion techniques, filming a commercial, or even just incorporating animation into an image.
For example, if you’re selling a product used in the kitchen, you could film a short video showing someone cooking with it. This would not only show off the product in action but also give potential customers an idea of how it might be used.
For apparel and shoes, fashion shows are a great way to show off products in motion. This is also a great opportunity to get creative with photography, using different angles and techniques to capture the clothes in all their glory.
7. Vivid & Intense
There are a dozen or so other ways that product photographers have been able to create vivid and intense photos that capture a viewer’s attention. Colors can be used to complement and contrast with a company’s branding.
Although heavily edited photos are not favored, this doesn’t mean that a product photographer can’t edit their images to some extent. In fact, a little bit of editing can go a long way in creating a more vivid and intense photo.
Some simple edits that can be made include increasing the contrast, saturation, and sharpness. These edits can help make an image pop and draw the eye in. Just be careful not to overdo it, as too much editing can make an image look fake and unappealing.
8. Cloud Storage
As technology advances, both DSLR cameras and smartphones are becoming more internet-accessible. Therefore, photographers have a few different options for storing and sharing photos with clients – one popular method being cloud storage.
Cloud storage is a great way for photographers to keep their files safe and organized. Cloud security features are also beneficial, protecting files from being lost or stolen. It also allows for easy access and sharing of files, which is especially helpful when working with clients. There are many different cloud storage options available, so it’s important to find one that best suits your needs.
One downside of cloud storage is that it can be expensive, especially if you have a lot of high-resolution photos. Another downside is that you need an internet connection to access your files, which can be inconvenient when traveling or working in remote areas.
9. Nature Photography
With the increasing popularity of creating vivid and intense images comes a rise in the use of nature and landscapes in product photography.
While this trend has been around for a while, it’s become increasingly popular recently. This is likely because nature offers an endless supply of beautiful and varied backgrounds that can make products pop. Whether you’re photographing in a forest, on a beach, or atop a mountain, nature provides a stunning backdrop that is sure to capture attention. Just be careful not to overpower the product with the background – you want the product to be the star of the show.
10. Minimalism in Product Photography
Minimalist designs are having a moment, but that doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice color and intensity. In fact, less is more when it comes to creating high-contrast images. You can achieve a beautiful balance of minimalism and maximalism by carefully placing each element in your design.
A monochromatic color scheme is a great way to achieve a minimalist look. This can be done by using different shades of the same color or black and white. Another way to achieve a minimalist look is to use negative space. This is the area around the product that is left blank. By carefully considering the placement of each element, you can create a beautiful and eye-catching minimalist product photo.
Product Photography Industry Stats in 2023
Statistics don’t lie—many of the recent trends in product photography taking over have been steadily growing for years. And, there are no signs of them slowing down anytime soon. If you’re in this niche/industry, then it’s important to be aware of these changes so you can stay ahead of the curve.
- People are 65% more likely to pay attention to an email with images instead of a text-heavy one.
- 93% of the most engaging posts on Facebook included images. This is a trend that sees similar results across other social media platforms.
- Humans are mainly visual learners, with 65% of people prefer images to text.
- Images are the most crucial element to 32% of marketers.
- More B2C than B2B marketers (11% more) say images are important.
- People are significantly more likely to share images and videos on social media than plain text.
- On average, content backed by images receives 94% more views than those without visuals.
- Of all B2B marketers, 51% prioritize visual assets during the strategy creation process for content marketing.
- Pairing information with images can help consumers remember that information more effectively.
- Most marketers (80%) use visual assets in their social media marketing.

Product Photography Retouching Services
Even great product photography can look better with a little retouching. Whether you’re removing a blemish, adjusting the color, adding contrast, or color correcting, retouching can help your images look their best.
For example, color correcting is an important step in product photography because it can help to ensure that the colors represented in your images are accurate. This is especially important if you photograph products that come in multiple colors, like clothing or cosmetics. Use color correction on your images to show potential customers the accurate colors of your products.
If you’re not a professional photographer or retoucher, don’t worry—Pixel by Hand is here for you! We offer a wide range of product photography retouching services to help your images look their best. Contact us today to learn more about our services or get started on your project!
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